When viewing the "Per-User Timeline" in the Schedule View of Evidence-Based Scheduling (EBS) you want to know how does FogBugz decides which cases will you be working on and in which order.
You want to know how can you tweak the case ordering when you have multiple projects with multiple milestones that are worked on in parallel, and each person may or may not be working on multiple milestones simultaneously (i.e., complete work on a task, send it to someone else for review, work on a different task while waiting for feedback).
Scheduling Based on Milestone
Each case is assigned to a Milestone.
Milestones are used to group cases pertaining to the same goal, would that goal be a feature completion or a sprint goal.
When providing a schedule estimate the EBS algorithm uses only the milestones' properties to decide the order of the cases.
Ordered Based On
Milestones and cases are ordered based on the following:
- milestone Completion Date - the cases assigned to the milestone with the sooner Completion Date will be scheduled sooner
- milestone Dependencies - those milestones on which other milestones depend will be scheduled sooner. You can set up dependencies for milestones from other projects if needed.
- when there is an "equality" between milestones (eg. no completion date and no dependencies for any of them), those milestones will be scheduled sooner which have been created sooner. This is due to the internal algorithm of the scheduler which orders them based on their internal IDs if no other ordering criteria is found (and the one created sooner has a smaller
internal ID).
Not Order Based On
Milestones and cases are NOT ordered based on the following:
- milestone Start Date
- case Due Date
- case Priority
Case Priority Only for Filtering
Case priority is used only to filter the currently displayed schedule estimate (which cases are included), based on the position of the priority slider on the right upper corner.
Higher priority cases are not scheduled earlier within the same scope, because if it is included in the scope it has to get done. Otherwise don't include it, meaning: change the case priority or change which is the priority of the cases included in the current Schedule.
Priyanka Bhotika