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Guide in Searching Dates to the Search Box

What is it?

This article provides details on how this Guide will help you look for the Dates that you are searching for.


Who will use it?

All Agents, End-User


How is it used?

To help find the axis you are looking for, Manuscript added a guide to the search box. You can access it via the downward-pointing arrow at the right end of the search box.

You can search dates (or date + times) and date ranges (use .. to indicate date ranges — … also works). When you have a decimal number in a range, include a leading zero, e.g. “0.5” instead of “.5” Here are some date search examples:

  • edited:”March 2007” everything modified during the month of March 2007
  • edited:”3/26/2007” everything modified on March 26, 2007
  • edited:”March 2007..June 2007” everything modified during the months of March through June in 2007
  • edited:”3-26-2007..6-8-2007” everything with a modification made between March 26, 2007 and June 8, 2007 (inclusive)
  • edited:”5/6/2012 5:00pm..5/7/2012 9:00am” everything modified between May 6th at 5:00 pm (17:00) and May 7th at 9:00 am (09:00)
  • edited:”today” everything modified today
  • edited:”last Thursday” everything modified on Thursday of the previous week
  • resolved:”last month” everything resolved in the previous calendar month
  • resolved:”this week” everything resolved between Sunday of the current week and today
  • resolved:”yesterday” everything resolved yesterday
  • due:”tomorrow” everything due tomorrow
  • due:”next week” everything due from next Sunday through the following Saturday

Date ranges can also be open-ended to indicate anything before or after a date or date and time. For examples:

  • opened:”1/14/2011..” everything opened January 14th, 2011 and later
  • due:”..10/10/2012 4:30pm” everything due before October 10th, 2012 at 4:30pm (including cases due in the past)

You can also search for dates and times relative to the current time, too, using a special syntax of + or – a certain number of minutes, hours, days, or weeks, (m, h, d, w, respectively). This is shorthand for a date and time relative to the current exact time (which can be expressed as now). If the current date and time are 12/25/2009 8:00 am, then “-3w” will translate to 12/4/2009 8:00 am.

  • opened:”-3w..-1w” everything opened between 1 and 3 weeks ago
  • closed:”” everything closed in the last 30 minutes
  • viewed:”-1d..” everything I’ve looked at in the last 24 hours
  • due:”..+3h” everything due in the next three hours
  • opened:”3/21/2007..-5d” everything opened between 3/21/2007 and 5 days ago
  • due:”” everything due between now and the end of the day

Note that relative search times are not rounded. For instance, opened:”yesterday..” will show you everything opened from the beginning of yesterday up to the current moment, whereas opened:”-1d..” will show you everything opened in the last 24 hours, exactly. +’s are implied, so due:”now..+5m” is equivalent to due:”now..5m”. ..’s are not implied, so while edited:”-20m..” means “edited within the last 20 minutes”, edited:”-20m” means “edited exactly 20 minutes ago”.

By default, dates are interpreted using your local time zone and your browser’s language (this can be overridden by individual user settings for Time, Date, and Number Format).  This can cause date searches to behave differently for different users, which can be confusing.  To avoid this confusion when sharing search strings, you can use ISO 8601 UTC format, e.g. 2013-01-21T14:24:06Z.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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