- Login to Fogbugz
- Hover over the Avatar menu
- Select Mailboxes option
- Click on Add new mail account button as seen in the below image
- Enter email address (The full email address of the mailbox, for example, This is used as the “from address” when FogBugz sends outgoing emails.)
- Enter "Full name" (The full name that will appear in the “from address” when replying to email from this mailbox, for example, Customer Service. )
- Select the Protocol type as "EWS"
- Select the Authentication method as "OAuth".
- Click on the Authorize Fogbugz button, It should open a new modal window prompting the user to enter Microsoft credentials.
- Enter Microsoft credentials and click on the Sign In button
- If it requests permissions, Click on the Accept button.
- Once OAuth authorization is successful, the modal window should get closed - it should display the “Authorized successfully” message.
- Enter mail server (Either you can enter the Microsoft account email address which was used to Authorize Fogbugz or you can enter this URL )
- Click on the Ok button to save the mailbox.
The mailbox should be created successfully as seen in the image below.
Priyanka Bhotika