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Changing Your Credit Card Information, Billing Address, or Tax Number


This article provides information and serves as a guide on how to change your Credit Card information, Billing Address, or your Tax Number for your FogBugz subscription payments.



  • Valid Credit Card - FogBugz accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.
  • Administrator Role in FogBugz

Note: If you don't have access to FogBugz, but you are the one responsible for the Credit Card (ex. you are the Purchasing Agent within your company) and you do not want to share the card details with a FogBugz Administrator within your company, please reach out to a FogBugz Admin or contact support so you are granted access to the system (also as an Administrator) and you'll be able to update the Credit Card information directly.


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If this is your first time adding a Credit Card, please first read Change Subscription Plan and Optional Modules for FogBugz and Kiln On-Demand because you will need to add credit card details by following a different path then the one described below.

    1. Click the Avatar menu at the bottom-left corner of your screen and go to Your FogBugz Account:


    2. On the Account and Billing page, locate the Change button/link under Payment information at the bottom-right corner of the page:


      Note: If you have never linked your credit card to FogBugz and your trial period expires, you will receive a suspension message. To add/link a credit card, select the enter a new credit card option.

    3. You should be redirected to the Credit Card page, where you can enter Credit Card details and Billing Address. These will be linked to your subscription and shown on your invoice.

      Read in the next chapter about adding a Tax Number.


    4. Once you hit the OK button, you will see a confirmation window to apply the changes you've made on the payment information page.
NOTE: The address appearing on your invoice will be the Credit Card address you entered above. If you need to enter a different billing address, you will need to change the Credit Card address. Currently, there is no other option available in FogBugz for changing your address, or adding an alternate or a second billing or invoicing address, except the one you entered above.
Important:  If the credit card processor finds inconsistencies in the payment process/data, the payment will be put on hold for verification. If you encounter this issue, please contact our Billings Team to correct the payment method.

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Tax Number

FogBugz currently does not have a separate field for Tax Number. If you need to have the Tax Number on your invoice, you can add it while updating credit card information by applying the following method:

  • Merge the information from the two Billing Address lines onto the Billing Address Line 2.
  • Enter your Tax Number on Billing Address Line 1. This way your tax number will appear on the invoice right below the company name.

If this approach is not acceptable for you, please contact support to help you add the tax number to your invoices.


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Once you have completed the process, you will see the last four digits of your credit card, including your updated billing details under the Payment Information section:



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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
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