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FogBugz XML API: Evidence-Based Scheduling

With this set of commands, you can get the values used for our reporting. This can be useful if you need to build your own templates or graphs, or simply want your data in another format.

Customer Facing Information

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. To view the complete set of EBS milestone work simulations for all users required to complete this milestone and all of its dependencies, send cmd=viewUserTimelineReport.
  • This is the same data that is displayed in the Per-User Timeline Report.
  • Arguments: ixFixFor, ixPriority.
  1. cmd=viewUserShipDateReport.
  • Like viewUserTimelineReport, but only including the simulation of the final milestone to be completed by each user. This is the same data that is shown in the Per-User Ship Date report.
  • Arguments: ixFixFor, ixPriority.
  1. To view the distribution of overall completion dates for this milestone at this Priority, send cmd=viewShipDateReport.
  • This is the same data that is shown in the Ship Date report.
  • Arguments: ixFixFor, ixPriority.
  1. To view the distribution of projected overall hours remaining to complete this milestone at this Priority, send cmd=viewHoursRemainingReport.
  • This is the data that is aggregated over time in the Burn Down Chart. Including fThisFixForOnly=1 gives the data that is aggregated in the Burn Down Chart (this milestone only).
  • Arguments: required: ixFixFor, ixPriority optional: fThisFixForOnly (defaults to false).
  1. To list the historical nightly ship date calculations for this milestone at this Priority from the time when the milestone was created until now, send cmd=listShipDate.
  • Arguments: ixFixFor, ixPriority.
  1. To view the distributions of actual/estimated ratios in this person’s estimate history, send cmd=viewEstimator.
  • Arguments: ixPerson.

See also the full XML API documentation


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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