Sometimes, you may notice that case estimate fields are missing in FogBugz On-Demand.
This article provides detailed information regarding this issue and its resolution.
Previously, FogBugz On-Demand had a different licensing option, and choosing either or both Wiki and Time Tracking & EBS modules was not possible. However, now it is possible to select if you want to enable or disable these functionalities.
If the option is disabled, the Time Tracking module will not function for your account.
Admin account
Root Cause
This issue occurs when Time Tracking & EBS is disabled for your account.
Troubleshooting Steps
Click Time Tracking. If you receive the following message, it confirms that Time Tracking & EBS is disabled:
The Time Tracking module is not enabled for your account, you can activate it on the account page.
Navigate to your account avatar in the lower-left corner and then select Your FogBugz Account.
In the Account and Billing section, click Edit Products.
Select Time Tracking & EBS.
Once enabled, the case estimate field will be visible.
Priyanka Bhotika