Editing or updating a User setting in FogBugz (or Kiln) can be done either by the user using the User Options, or by the Administrator for any user using the Edit hyperlink from the Manage Users page. These settings include changing the password or account (user) type, deactivating (deleting) the user, changing the notification frequency and format, editing the time zone or date, time and number format, or changing the snippet activation key.
Read about User Account Types in FogBugz to understand the difference between user types.
Accessing User Options
Updating a User in FogBugz (or Kiln) can be done in two ways:
- each user for himself using the Avatar -> User Options, OR
- by the Administrator for any user using the Edit hyperlink from the Avatar -> Users page.
NOTES for Administrators
- An Administrator is allowed to Edit any user's options, including changing or resetting user password, or changing user type.
- When an Administrator edits a user's settings using the Edit hyperlink from the Manage Users page, then, after changing the desired setting (password, user type), in order to get back to the Manage Users page he will need to click again Avatar -> Users.
User Options
Change or Reset User Password
In the Password section, click on the Change password button:
Enter and retype the new password:
Click OK to save your changes.
Change User Type
This setting is called Account Type, which might confuse On-Demand users, but actually is about changing the FogBugz (or Kiln) User type, and not about changing the settings of the On-Demand Account Type.
Read about User Account Types in FogBugz to understand the difference between user types.
- Only Administrators can change a given user's Account Type.
- No user can change Account Type for himself. Even Administrators will need the help of an other Administrator user if they would like to change their own account type.
Steps to change Account Type:
- In the Account Type section, select the corresponding tab to choose the user type:
- As soon as you select the new Account Type, the changes are applied.
Change Status (Activate or Deactivate User)
In FogBugz you cannot fully delete Users, you can just Deactivate them because they need to stay due to historical data.
When a user status is changed to inactive it frees up the license seat but the existing cases remain intact. Changes done by the given user will remain in the system and will be visible to users.
This option is useful when you would like to re-allocate the FogBugz licenses from users that are not using FogBugz anymore (maybe they left the team) to new FogBugz users.
Only Administrators can change Status.
Enable Two-Factor Authentication
Two-Factor Authentication is a wider topic. This is why we have a separate article about it: Two-Factor Authentication.
Create API Token
API token usage is a wider topic. This is why we have a separate article for it: Create API Token using the FogBugz UI.
Legacy Setting (aka Advanced User Options)
This section can be accessed using the Legacy Settings hyperlink from the bottom of the User Options page.
The Legacy Settings are a set of advanced settings (using an old UI design) that will give you more power over some core functionalities of the system. Use them with caution or contact us for further help.
The settings are:
- Date, Time and Number Format
- Time Zone
- Homepage
- Phone Number
- Escalation Report
- Case Sort - to change the order of how case edits are listed when viewing a case
- Close Case Action
- Language
- Snippet Activation Key
- Invalidate RSS Tokens;
Priyanka Bhotika