It’s possible to enhance your Wiki articles with HTML. From the wiki editor, click the </> to open a rich text editor, and update your wiki to include HTML as needed.
For security reasons, FogBugz scrubs certain node types, HTML attributes, and CSS Properties from embedded HTML. Learn more about each of them through this article.
Node Types
Node types are divided into three categories:
- Whitelist: These nodes types are supported – go for it!
- Greylist: These nodes are scrubbed, but their children remain. (Anything that isn’t whitelisted or blacklisted is treated as a greylisted node type.)
- Blacklist: These nodes and any children are scrubbed from your wiki.
Whitelisted Node Types
#text | a | address | b | blockquote |
body | br | caption | code | col |
colgroup | dd | div | dl | dt |
em | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 |
h5 | h6 | h7 | hr | html |
i | img | input | li | map |
ol | p | page | pre | q |
span | strike | s | strong | sub |
sup | table | tbody | td | tfoot |
th | thead | tr | u | ul |
Blacklisted Node Types
button | dir | embed | event | frame |
frameset | head | history | import | isIndex |
link | meta | namespace | navigator | object |
option | param | popup | script | select |
style | textarea | title | userprofile |
HTML Attributes
Any attributes not “whitelisted” are scrubbed.
abbr | accept | accept-charset | accesskey | action |
align | alink | alt | archive | axis |
background | bgcolor | border | cellpadding | cellspacing |
char | charoff | charset | checked | cite |
class | classid | clear | code | codebase |
codetype | color | cols | colspan | compact |
content | coords | data | datetime | declare |
defer | dir | disabled | enctype | face |
for | frame | frameborder | headers | height |
href | hreflang | hspace | http-equiv | id |
ismap | label | lang | language | link |
longdesc | marginheight | marginwidth | maxlength | media |
method | multiple | name | nohref | noresize |
noshade | nowrap | object | profile | prompt |
readonly | rel | rev | rows | rowspan |
rules | scheme | scope | scrolling | selected |
shape | size | span | src | standby |
start | style | summary | tabindex | target |
text | title | type | usemap | valign |
value | valuetype | version | vlink | vspace |
width |
CSS Properties
Any properties not “whitelisted” are scrubbed.
azimuth | background | background-attachment | background-color | background-position |
background-repeat | border | border-bottom | border-bottom-color | border-bottom-style |
border-bottom-width | border-collapse | border-color | border-left | border-left-color |
border-left-style | border-left-width | border-right | border-right-color | border-right-style |
border-right-width | border-spacing | border-style | border-top | border-top-color |
border-top-style | border-top-width | border-width | bottom | caption-side |
clear | clip | color | counter-increment | counter-reset |
direction | display | elevation | empty-cells | font |
font-family | font-size | font-style | font-variant | font-weight |
left | letter-spacing | line-height | list-style | list-style-position |
list-style-type | margin | margin-bottom | margin-left | margin-right |
margin-top | orphans | outline | outline-color | outline-style |
outline-width | overflow | padding | padding-bottom | padding-left |
padding-right | padding-top | page-break-after | page-break-before | page-break-inside |
pause | pause-after | pause-before | pitch | pitch-range |
quotes | richness | right | speak | speak-header |
speak-numeral | speak-punctuation | speech-rate | stress | table-layout |
text-align | text-decoration | text-indent | text-transform | top |
unicode-bidi | vertical-align | visibility | voice-family | volume |
white-space | widows | word-spacing | z-index |
Priyanka Bhotika