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Get a Complete List of Users and Their User Identification Numbers using FogBugz API


To get a complete list of users and their user identification number using the FogBugz API you can use the FogBugz API command cmd=listPeople as described below.

This provides the same information that is available on the Manage Users section of the FogBugz UI.



  1. Get an API token.
  2. Execute the listPeopleFogBugz API command to get the list of users and their ixPerson user identification numbers. Eg:


The same request using curl

curl -X "POST" "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d $'{
"token": "nqi9dvugilleed680nanjc0o3rc3iz"


Note: Replace yourinstance with the name of your FogBugz instance, and the value of the token with the token you have generated at Step 1.


Query Parameters

You can add additional parameters to your query to include or exclude given user types from your query


Parameter Default Description
fIncludeActive 1 Set to 1 to include active users, 0 to exclude them
fIncludeNormal 1 Set to 1 to include normal users, 0 to exclude them
fIncludeDeleted 0 Set to 1 to include deleted users, 0 to exclude them
fIncludeCommunity 0 Set to 1 to include community users, 0 to exclude them
fIncludeVirtual 0 Set to 1 to include virtual users, 0 to exclude them
token (required) API token


Eg, to exclude Virtual users you could use the following POST request:


The result in all cases will be a list of the users including all user properties. Eg:




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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
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