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Managing Users in FogBugz and Kiln


FogBugz Administrators can add (create), edit (update), deactivate (delete) users, change their user types, manage community users, grant or revoke access to FogBugz or Kiln, and manage users self-registration (enable self-sign-up with company email) on the Manage Users page.


This article gathers in one place information about User Management topics like:

Additional recommended readings related to user management are:

Settings and options referring to Your FogBugz Account are a separate knowledge base section.

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The Manage Users page

You can access the user management page by going to Avatar Menu > Users.



NOTE: If you are using FogBugz On-Demand and you do not see any of the menus detailed below, please contact us about switching to our current pricing tiers.

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Add New User

Read how to Add New User - FogBugz or Kiln.

If you would like to set the password for the user account, then see the Edit User section below.


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Edit User

By editing a user an Administrator is allowed to change any of the user's settings.

If you need to change a user's password or change the account type, click on the Edit hyperlink and Edit the User Options.



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Copy User

Read how to Copy Users - FogBugz and Kiln.


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Deactivate User

You can hide Users by clicking the Deactivate hyperlink. This is equivalent to change the Status to Inactive when Editing the User. Notice that you cannot fully delete Users from FogBugz. They need to stay due to historical data.

In FogBugz, when you de-activate a user, it becomes inactive and frees up the license seat but the existing cases remain intact.


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Search and Filter Users

At the top of the user list you have two ways to filter or search the users:

  • You can filter them by clicking any of the four big filter buttons: Total Active, FogBugz Users, Kiln Users, Inactive
  • You can search them by name or email using the search box above the filter buttons.


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Grant or Revoke Access to FogBugz or Kiln

Granting or Revoking access to FogBugz or Kiln can be done very easily: changing the Active On checkbox to checked or unchecked next to the given product, FogBugz or Kiln.

  1. Find the user from the user's list and

    • Check the FogBugz and/or Kiln checkbox to allow access. Below screenshot shows the case where the user is granted access to both FogBugz and Kiln:


    • or Uncheck the FogBugz and/or Kiln checkbox to disallow access. Below screenshot shows the case where the user is granted access only to FogBugz:


NOTE: Revoking access to both FogBugz and Kiln does not make the user inactive and free up the license seat. In order to free up the license seat, you need to deactivate the user.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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