When you would like to get updates about planned or unplanned FogBugz and Kiln On-Demand operational status changes published on status.ignitetech.com use the steps below to subscribe to email updates.
- Go to the IgniteTech status page: status.ignitetech.com.
- Click on the SUBSCRIBE TO UPDATES button in the upper right corner.
- Enter your email address.
- Click on the SUBSCRIBE VIA EMAIL button.
- Choose which components to get status updates for; to only subscribe to FogBugz updates, follow these steps:
- Click Select none first - this will uncheck all options.
- Scroll until you find the FogBugz components, which you should then check/enable (make sure you enable all the options related to FogBugz).
- Click Save on the bottom of the page.
- You will also receive a "Confirm your subscription" email requesting to verify your email address.
- Click on the Confirm subscription link.
- Email subscription of FogBugz and Kiln status will be enabled.
After clicking on the Confirm subscription link and displaying the confirmation message, no further confirmation email will be sent. The next email received from the FogBugz status page should be on the next upcoming status change (maintenance or outage).
In case you do not receive the "Confirm your subscription" email, check your Spam folder. If you do not find there the email, contact us so we can check it with our infrastructure team.
Priyanka Bhotika