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8.22.180 FogBugz On-Premises - Release Notes


FogBugz On-Premises 8.22.180 release, dated November 22, 2019, fixes the following 28 customer defects and 18 general defects faced by users since the FogBugz On-Premises version 8.22.135.

This is the latest and current version for FogBugz On-Premises.


Customer Defects Fixed

  • MANUSCRIPT-16199: New cases do not pass the sub-cases but pass the parent cases.
  • MANUSCRIPT-21556: 'Update Custom Field...' message repeats on each incoming email.
  • MANUSCRIPT-15586: Screenshot Tool is not adding screenshots to existing cases.
  • MANUSCRIPT-17452: Customer DB backups are corrupting.
  • MANUSCRIPT-17543: Case view button is blocked on the Safari Browser.
  • MANUSCRIPT-18370: Edit custom fields API is not working.
  • MANUSCRIPT-20428: Fixed automatic database backup reschedule for failed backups.
  • MANUSCRIPT-21688: is getting the JSON API error.
  • MANUSCRIPT-19498: Trusted file types are not working.
  • MANUSCRIPT-18045: Old cases do not stay in Kanban.
  • MANUSCRIPT-16184: Timesheet reporting is setting dates a day before the desired time.
  • MANUSCRIPT-16050: Elapsed time link is not being triggered in Manuscript.
  • MANUSCRIPT-16210: 'Go to Case' link on the mobile site is not working.
  • MANUSCRIPT-17296: The case window is disappearing on the left mouse swipe for the new custom field.
  • MANUSCRIPT-17358: In the project configuration, milestones are not allowing start dates without the end dates.
  • MANUSCRIPT-15223: Manuscript/Kiln users randomly get disabled/activated.
  • MANUSCRIPT-16087: Field is not updating (Webhook).
  • MANUSCRIPT-16826: Custom field data changes are not reported through email notifications.
  • MANUSCRIPT-14981: Change 'Fogcreek' to 'Fogbugz' in Email Offers.
  • MANUSCRIPT-16007: Wiki printing issue.
  • MANUSCRIPT-16041: The gallery plugin link needs to be updated due to rebranding.
  • MANUSCRIPT-19806: [urgent] [cu] Change FogBugz FTPS server name in the backup email.
  • MANUSCRIPT-15465: [Code Review] Clicking on 'Request Review' in FogBugz shows the message 'An unknown problem with the backend occurred. We've been notified, and we're working on a fix'.
  • MANUSCRIPT-16567: New trial accounts cannot receive cases.
  • MANUSCRIPT-19567: In the control panel, DBExporter cannot do backups (manually).
  • MANUSCRIPT-17989: Heartbeat Pinger log messages must show relevant information for the TrialEmail tasks.
  • MANUSCRIPT-18055: Heartbeat Pinger log messages must show relevant information for the TrialActivate tasks.
  • MANUSCRIPT-18056: Heartbeat Pinger log messages must show relevant information for the MultiHeartbeat tasks.

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General Defects Fixed

  • MANUSCRIPT-11282: Search by keyword is not showing any result. 
  • MANUSCRIPT-13933: Emails are not triggered when multiple email IDs are provided on the community management page for the new users.
  • MANUSCRIPT-13944: Empty response displays instead of the insufficient permissions error for community users when trying to list detailed case responses via API call.
  • MANUSCRIPT-17840: [API] There is no proper validation when the required field 'ixBug' is missing in requests for subscribing to cases.
  • MANUSCRIPT-20626: Users do not receive emails when they have multiple mailboxes during account creation.
  • MANUSCRIPT-17104: Users cannot attach files to cases within manuscripts.
  • MANUSCRIPT-17911: When editing milestones, the release date, and the start date are not being validated.
  • MANUSCRIPT-21664: When sending emails from cases to multiple recipients, the second user appears in CC.
  • MANUSCRIPT-10843: Manuscript Production Env, API Reopen Closed Feature Case, Operations are not correct in actual response but show correctly when the case is reopened in the system.
  • MANUSCRIPT-17519: Webhooks are not working.
  • MANUSCRIPT-17908: Push Content creates new cases with standard user accounts having rights to modify projects.
  • MANUSCRIPT-20497: The documentation button in the FogBugz menu for On-Demand is pointing to the legacy URLs.
  • MANUSCRIPT-179: Reset option under Edit Filter does not revert to default filters.
  • MANUSCRIPT-16160: Custom Fields can be created with existing names.
  • MANUSCRIPT-16761: Community user cases have no proper validation message. 
  • MANUSCRIPT-17887: Anonymous User Email validation error.
  • MANUSCRIPT-17418: Webhook custom fields need to be available for triggering.
  • MANUSCRIPT-17987: An exception occurs when sending emails and locks Heartbeat Pinger in all accounts for 20 minutes.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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