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Common Installation, Migration and Upgrade Issues for FogBugz On-Premises


When installing, upgrading, or migrating FogBugz, sometimes you might experience unexpected failures. This article covers some of the most common known issues and the guidelines to resolve them.

Note: If re-running the setup wizard does not fix the error or if the issue is not covered in this article, contact us for assistance.


Depending on which of the issues listed below you face, you will require at least one of the following rights:

  • Administrator right on the Server where FogBugz On-Premise is hosted (IIS Server)
  • Administrator access to the SQL Server where FogBugz On-Premise database is hosted
  • Administrator role in FogBugz




  • If SetupWizard.ps1 does not detect that your domain user is a Local Administrator, please grant that user explicit Local Administrator privileges as opposed to granting permissions through a group/role.



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  • If the Heartbeat Pinger fails to install (a common issue when upgrading):

    1. Stop the FogBugz Heartbeat Pinger service:


    2. Remove the Heartbeat Pinger folder from <Your Installation Directory>\installed-components.
    3. Re-run SetupWizard.ps1 (you should be able to resume the previous installation).


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  • If SetupWizard.ps1 repeatedly asks you to restart the PowerShell console after the installation of JDK:

    1. Manually install JDK using the file <ISO>/autosetup/resources/jdk-8u162-windows-x64.exe.

    2. Re-run SetupWizard.ps1.


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  • If you encounter the error Could not retrieve fact FQDN, it may mean that your machine is not registered on a domain and you are experiencing a glitch in Puppet. This issue is fixed in a later version of Puppet.

    In the meantime, you can set a primary DNS suffix that matches the FogBugz URL under System > Advanced system settings > Computer name > Change > More.


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  • If a password reset URL does not launch automatically after install:

    1. Select a reset code from the PasswordResetCode table in the trial1 database:

      SELECT * FROM PasswordResetCode;
    2. Visit the password reset URL yourself in the case sensitive format:

      <FogBugz URL>/?RP<ixPerson>X<PasswordResetCode>


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  • The FogBugz websites that are configured in IIS and bound to the *:80 port automatically stop the Default Web Site.

    If you run another website on Default Web Site, you may need to configure more specific bindings for the FogBugz websites in IIS, the Default Web Site, or both. If you have further questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

    Please note that the Heartbeat Pinger uses localhost:80, which must be bound to FB GEN ALL.


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  • FogBugz For Your Server, On-Site, and Manuscript On-Premises (up to version 8.21.14) were shipped with Java 7, which does not support TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2. However, since FogBugz On-Premises version 8.22.x, the system comes with Java SDK 8.

    If you are installing FogBugz (version 8.21.x or older) behind an existing SSL-terminating load balancer, you need to make sure that TLS 1.0 is supported.

    Please read more about TLS support in FogBugz Versions and what you need to do in case you would like to upgrade.


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  • After upgrading FBFYS (FogBugz For Your Server) to FogBugz On-Premises version 8.21.x/8.22.x, the system may stop retrieving emails from external mailboxes.

    This error is caused by the Heartbeat not being able to connect to localhost:80 to trigger the email queue pull task. To resolve this error, make sure that the SSL implementation follows the FogBugz recommendations for On-Premises versions that are covered in the article Configure FogBugz On-Premises to Use HTTPS.


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  • When installing FogBugz, the following error message may appear, causing the installer to stop abruptly:
    The DSIM.exe or 'net' is not found

    This error is related to the Path variable under Windows Environment > System Variables. This issue usually indicates that the system is missing some of the default Windows folders. To resolve this issue, please refer to the article Installation error message: DISM.exe or ‘net’ is not found.


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  • When installing FogBugz/Manuscript, the following error message may appear:
    Exception: Detected Major version 6, Minor version 3 (Windows Server 2012 R2). Manuscript On Premises only supports Windows Server 2012R2 at this time

    This error is related to FogBugz FYS and Manuscript On-Premises installer compatibility with Windows 2016. To resolve this issue, please refer to the article Modifying Manuscript's Requirements Script for Installation on Windows Server 2016.


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  • Upgrading Java SDK from version 7 to version 8 causes On-Premises ElasticSearch to stop working (however, the service is displayed as running). Also, you may encounter the following error:
    Incorrect function

    This error is related to ElasticSearch not loading the correct SDK version. To resolve this issue, please refer to the article Upgrading to Java 8 Breaks On-Premises ElasticSearch: "Incorrect function" Message.


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  • After upgrading to FogBugz On-Premises, the New Article button on the left sidebar of all Wiki pages does not work anymore. The following message is displayed when you click on the button:
    Page not loading? Refresh the page or contact us.


    This error is caused by Mixed Content: Fogbugz is trying to load some Customizations via HTTP while the rest of the site is using HTTPS.
    Make sure to configure SSL on your server according to the Configure FogBugz On-Premises to Use HTTPS article. Also, change the URLs from HTTP to HTTPS in your proxy server settings to prevent mixed content.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
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