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8.20.622 Release Notes

Release Date: 2017-12-13

  • Log in with Google is now on by default for new accounts. If you want to enable this feature on your Manuscript account, go to the avatar menu as an administrator and click Site Configuration. Enable it on the Authentication tab
    • Google authentication is also an option in the upcoming release of Manuscript On Premises
  • Fixed a bug which prevented clicking through to our prepayment form from the Your Account page
  • When you create a custom integration, you can now upload an avatar image for it
  • When creating a new milestone, the date picker’s left and right arrows are no longer missing
  • If you have a lot of timesheet intervals, the “edit timesheet” dialog is now scrollable
  • Fixed a bug that prevented tapping links in wikis and some other parts of Manuscript on iOS
  • Fixed a bug which made the case edit form stretch horizontally in IE11
  • Moved the timestamp on each case edit from the bottom to the top of the event
  • Made the sidebar on the login page responsive to match how it works when logged in
  • Made various changes to the new fonts and colors in the Manuscript UI including toning down the color-highlighting of case status and reducing blank space
  • Many small visual bug fixes including restoring some missing icons
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