Community Case List is an optional feature in FogBugz Ocelot. The Community Case List allows FogBugz community users to keep track of relevant FogBugz cases more easily and to view correspondence in cases which were opened by people other than themselves. Without this feature, FogBugz defaults to showing to a community user only the list of cases they submitted.
FogBugz Ocelot (available in FogBugz For Your Server as a plugin)
Getting Started
If you were using the Community Case List plugin before switching over to FogBugz Ocelot, then the feature is already enabled in Ocelot. Otherwise, you can turn it on by using an administrator account to navigate to Gear > Extra Features.
If you are just getting started with community users, make sure they are enabled for your site. See the Community section of the article User Administration and User Accounts for more details about user types in FogBugz.
Using the Feature
Once the list is enabled in Extra Features, you can expose the titles and basic status information of cases in a project to community users by editing the project’s permissions.
You can give individuals or groups of users permission to view the list and submit new cases. Note that inside a community user group, you can allow any user with an email address at specified domain access using a “wildcard member.” (see details in the article FogBugz User Groups)
When a permitted community user logs into FogBugz, the usual “case status” link is changed to give them a full list of cases in the project you allowed (instead of the default of showing just a list of cases opened by the current user).
When the community user clicks on the “Case Status” link, they will see a list of projects available for listing above the ticket entry dialog:
When clicking one of these projects, the community user is presented with a full-width case list showing all cases in the projects which have a ticket. Cases without tickets are never shown in this list.
The information provided to the community user in the list is slightly more than what the public user can see with the ticket: the list shows:
- category
- case ID,
- area
- the title
- version field
- priority
- simplified status (open/resolved/closed) grouped by milestone and ordered by date (newest first)
- case number.
All cases are linked and displayed via their short ticket (so that the normal “public case view” is triggered in FogBugz).
Clicking through to one of the cases gives the same public view FogBugz offers anonymous viewers who have the “ticket” link: only email events in the case to or from the case’s correspondent address.
Note that removing a case’s public access will always prevent viewing it, but it does not exclude it from the Community Case List.
Priyanka Bhotika