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Subscribe/Unsubscribe to several cases at once


When the User wants to unsubscribe or subscribe in bulk at once.


Agent, End-User

Step by Step Guide:

  1. Login to the Manuscript URL
  2. Select a bunch of cases

  1. Click on Edit or Click on the small down arrow showing above-selected cases and click edit

  1. Click on cancel that will show you a list of selected cases

  1. To unsubscribe all of them click on unsubscribe link

Note: If you choose a list of both already subscribe and unsubscribe cases this will show you only unsubscribe option.

  1. To Subscribe all of them click on subscribe link

Note: This option is only available If you choose the list that you don’t have subscribed yet.



Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
