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Project and Repository Permissions in Kiln

NOTE: Before you can set these permissions, you may want to understand the difference between account Administrators and Normal users here.


Admin – Project admins are able to do everything in a Kiln project. That means they can clone and pull from repositories, push to repositories, create new central repositories, access organize mode which allows for the creation, movement and modification of repositories and repository groups, delete repositories, configure project permissions and delete projects.
  *Note*: This permission setting on the project level takes precedence over all permissions at the repository level. For example, if Bob is an admin on ProjectA and you set his permissions to RepoX within that project to “None”, he will still have full admin access to RepoX.

Modify – Granting Modify permissions on a project to a user simply means that the user will, by default, have Modify permission for any repository in the project (see Repository -> Modify below for details). You can override this default by setting explicit permissions on a particular repository for a user.

Read/Branch – Granting Read/Branch permissions on a project to a user means two things:
First, the user will, by default, have Read permission for any repository in the project (see Repository – >Read/Branch below for details). You can override this default by setting explicit permissions on a particular repository for a user.
Secondly, the user will also be able to use the Kiln web UI to make a branch repository of any existing repo in the project. These users will have administrator access to the branches that they have created but cannot modify any other repositories in the project. It is possible to block permissions to branch on an individual repository by settings a users’s permissions on the repository to None.

Read – Granting Read permissions on a project to a user simply means that the user will, by default, have Read permission for any repository in the project (see Repository -> Read below for details). You can override this default by setting explicit permissions on a particular repository for a user.

None – Granting None permissions on a project to a user means that they will have NO access to this project or any repositories in the project. This includes seeing the project or repositories under any navigation menus, filters, or search results.
  *Note*: This permission setting on the project level takes precedence over all permissions at the repository level. For example, if Bob has None permissions on ProjectA and you set his permissions to RepoX within that project to “Read”, he will still not be able to access RepoX in any way nor view ProjectA.



Admin – Repository admins can access and edit the repository settings page but can’t can’t do anything on the group/project level unless they are also a project admin. Being an Admin of a repository also grants the user the same permissions as Modify (see below).

Modify – Users with Modify permissions on a repository will be able to clone/pull as well as push. They can also create a new branch repository through Kiln, and will have Admin permissions on this new repository.

Read – Users with Read permissions on a repository will be able to clone/pull, but will be unable to push.

None – Users with None permissions on a repository will be unable to access the repository in any way. They will not see it listed on the project page, nor will they see it in any Activity Feed or search results.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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