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FogBugz XML API: Event Codes



Certain XML calls return an Event Code, which provides additional information on what the event is about. Any FogBugz user requesting the XML API will receive a similar response.


The available XML API Event Codes are listed below:

  • evtOpened = 1
  • evtEdited = 2
  • evtAssigned = 3
  • evtReactivated= 4
  • evtReopened = 5
  • evtClosed = 6
  • evtMoved = 7 ‘ 2.0 or earlier. From 3.0 on this was recorded as an Edit
  • evtUnknown = 8 ‘ Not quite sure what happened; display sVerb in the UI
  • evtReplied = 9
  • evtForwarded = 10
  • evtReceived = 11
  • evtSorted = 12
  • evtNotSorted = 13
  • evtResolved = 14
  • evtEmailed = 15
  • evtReleaseNoted = 16
  • evtDeletedAttachment = 17 

For more information, refer to the complete XML API documentation for FogBugz.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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