In this article, you will get to see how the normal XML API responses look like for several scenarios, so you can better have an idea of what to expect and how to parse such payloads.
Here are some of XML Payloads samples. Just search for your use case:
<cases count="1"> -- count is included in the cases attribute
<case ixBug="123" operations="edit,assign,resolve,reactivate,close,reopen,reply,forward,email,move,spam,remind">
-- note: currently move, spam, and remind are not supported actions. Older version of the API which call the deprecated cmd=list (instead of cmd=search&q=) will not see reply, forward, or email operations in the case listing
<ixBug>123</ixBug>-- case number
<ixBugParent>234</ixBugParent>-- parent case number
<ixBugChildren>456,876</ixBugChildren>-- subcase numbers
<tags>-- tags
<fOpen>true</fOpen>-- true if open, false if closed
<sTitle>Duck, Duck... but No Goose!</sTitle>-- title
<sOriginalTitle>Problem finding the goose...</sOriginalTitle>-- original title for a case opened by an incoming email or a public case submission
<sLatestTextSummary>I searched the docs, but no goose!</sLatestTextSummary>-- short string with case's latest comment
<ixBugEventLatestText>1151</ixBugEventLatestText>-- ixBugEvent for latest event with actual text comment
<ixProject>22</ixProject>-- project id
<sProject>The Farm</sProject>-- project name
<ixArea>35</ixArea>-- area id
<sArea>Pond</sArea>-- area name
<ixGroup>6</ixGroup>-- group id (deprecated as of FogBugz 8--will always return 0)
<ixPersonAssignedTo>1</ixPersonAssignedTo>-- person case is assigned to (id)
<sPersonAssignedTo>Old MacDonald</sPersonAssignedTo>-- person case is assigned to (name)
<sEmailAssignedTo>grandpa@oldmacdonald.com</sEmailAssignedTo>-- email of person case is assigned to
<ixPersonOpenedBy>2</ixPersonOpenedBy>-- person case was opened by (id)
<ixPersonResolvedBy>2</ixPersonResolvedBy>-- person case was resolved by (id)
<ixPersonClosedBy></ixPersonClosedBy>-- person case was closed by (id)
<ixPersonLastEditedBy>0</ixPersonLastEditedBy>-- person case was last edited by (id)
<ixStatus>2</ixStatus>-- status (id)
<ixBugDuplicates>321</ixBugDuplicates>-- cases that are closed as duplicates of this one (id)
<ixBugOriginal>654</ixBugOriginal>-- the case which this one was a duplicate of (id)
<sStatus>Geschlossen (Fixed)</sStatus>-- status (name)
<ixPriority>3</ixPriority>-- priority (id)
<sPriority>Must Fix</sPriority>-- priority (name)
<ixFixFor>3</ixFixFor>-- fixfor (id)
<sFixFor>Test</sFixFor>-- fixfor (name)
<dtFixFor>2007-05-06T22:47:59Z</dtFixFor>-- date of fixfor (date)
<sVersion></sVersion>-- version field (custom field #1)
<sComputer></sComputer>-- computer field (custom field #2)
<hrsOrigEst>0</hrsOrigEst>-- hours of original estimate (0 if no estimate)
<hrsCurrEst>0</hrsCurrEst>-- hours of current estimate
<hrsElapsed>0</hrsElapsed>-- total elapsed hours -- includes all time from time intervals PLUS hrsElapsedExtra time
<c>0</c>-- number of occurrences (minus 1) of this bug (increased via bugzscout)
-- to display the actual number of occurrences, add 1 to this number
<sCustomerEmail></sCustomerEmail>-- if there is a customer contact for this case, this is their email
<ixMailbox>0</ixMailbox>-- if this case came in via dispatcho, the mailbox it came in on
<ixCategory>1</ixCategory>-- category (id)
<sCategory>Feature</sCategory>-- category (name)
<dtOpened>2007-05-06T22:47:59Z</dtOpened>-- date case was opened
<dtResolved>2007-05-06T22:47:59Z</dtResolved>-- date case was resolved
<dtClosed>2007-05-06T22:47:59Z</dtClosed>-- date case was closed
<ixBugEventLatest>1151</ixBugEventLatest>-- latest bugevent
<dtLastUpdated>2007-05-06T22:47:59Z</dtLastUpdated>-- the date when this case was last updated
<fReplied>false</fReplied>-- has this case been replied to?
<fForwarded>false</fForwarded>-- has this case been forwarded?
<sTicket></sTicket>-- id for customer to view bug (bug number + 8 letters e.g. 4003_XFLFFFCS)
<ixDiscussTopic>0</ixDiscussTopic>-- id of discussion topic if case is related
<dtDue></dtDue>-- date this case is due (empty if no due date)
<sReleaseNotes></sReleaseNotes>-- release notes
<ixBugEventLastView>1151</ixBugEventLastView>-- the ixBugEventLatest when you last viewed this case
<dtLastView>2007-05-06T22:47:59Z</dtLastView>-- the date when you last viewed this case
<ixRelatedBugs>345,267,2920</ixRelatedBugs>-- comma separated list of other related case numbers
<sScoutDescription>Main.cpp:165</sScoutDescription>-- if this case is a Scout case, this ID is the unique identifier
<sScoutMessage>Please contact us or visit our knowledge base to resolve.</sScoutMessage>-- this is the message
-- displayed to users when they submit a case that matches this sScoutDescription
<fScoutStopReporting>false</fScoutStopReporting>-- whether we are still recording occurrences of this crash or not
<dtLastOccurrence>2007-05-06T22:47:59Z</dtLastOccurrence>-- most recent occurrence of this crash, if this is a BugzScout case
<fSubscribed>true</fSubscribed>-- true if you are subscribed to this case, otherwise false
<dblStoryPts>2</dblStoryPts>-- Story Points set for this case
<nFixForOrder>10</nFixForOrder>-- The position of this case in the Iteration Planner backlog order for the containing milestone
Bug Events
<event ixBugEvent="174" ixBug="13">
<ixBugEvent>174</ixBugEvent>-- Identity field in the database for this event
<evt>4</evt>-- Number for type of event, see event codes
<sVerb>Assigned to Captain Caveman</sVerb>-- Description of event in English always
<ixPerson>3</ixPerson>-- Identity field of the person who made this event happen
<sPerson>Mikey</sPerson>-- Person's full name
<ixPersonAssignedTo>4</ixPersonAssignedTo>-- Identity field of the person this case is assigned to
<dt>2007-05-06T22:47:59Z</dt>-- Date event happened (in RFC822 UTC format)
<s>Up up and away!</s>-- The text of the event (if this is an email or was created in HTML mode via Rich Case Events, this is a plain-text version of the event)
<sHTML><![CDATA[<strong>Up up and away!</strong>]]></sHTML>-- If this is an event created in HTML mode via Rich Case Events, this contains the raw HTML version of the event
<fEmail>false</fEmail>-- True if it is an email event
<bEmail>false</bEmail>-- Deprecated: use fEmail
<fExternal>false</fExternal>-- True if this case was created via an incoming email, discussion topic, or BugzScout
<bExternal>false</bExternal>-- Deprecated: use fExternal
<fHTML>true</fHTML>-- True if the event is an email and the html version has been cached. You should not need to look at this field. Instead use fEmail to determine if the event is an email and sFormat to determine if an edit is html-formatted
<sFormat>html</sFormat>-- 'html' if the event was created in HTML mode via Rich Case Events
<sChanges>Project changed from 'Inbox' to 'Cave'.</sChanges>-- Description of changes to the case during this event
<evtDescription>Captain Caveman von Mikey zugewiesen</evtDescription>-- Description of event in YOUR language (in this case German)
<rgAttachments><attachment><sFileName>Test Word.doc</sFileName>-- name of the attached file
<sURL>default.asp?pg=pgDownload&pgType=pgAttachment&ixBugEvent=756&sPart=2&sTicket=&sFileName=Test%20Word.doc</sURL>-- url to hit to get the contents of the attached file (add on token=<yourtoken>)
</attachment></rgAttachments>-- if the event is an email (fEmail == true) then there are additional fields --
<sFrom>"JJ Walker" <jj@dynomite.org></sFrom>-- the from header from the message
<sTo>good@times.org</sTo>-- the to header from the message
<sCC></sCC>-- the cc header from the message
<sBCC></sBCC>-- the bcc header from the message (if readable)
<sReplyTo></sReplyTo>-- the replyto header from the message
<sSubject></sSubject>-- the subject header from the message
<sDate>5 Jun 07 21:07:54 GMT</sDate>-- the date header from the message (exactly as it appears usually rfc822 date)
<sBodyText></sBodyText>-- the body plaintext from the message
<sBodyHTML></sBodyHTML>-- the message formatted in html
Mini Events (for less information)
<event ixBugEvent="174" ixBug="13">
<ixBugEvent>174</ixBugEvent>-- Identity field in the database for this event
<evt>4</evt>-- Number for type of event, see event codes
<sVerb>Assigned to Captain Caveman</sVerb>-- Description of event in English always
<ixPerson>3</ixPerson>-- Identity field of the person who made this event happen
<sPerson>Mikey</sPerson>-- Person's full name
<ixPersonAssignedTo>4</ixPersonAssignedTo>-- Identity field of the person this case is assigned to
<dt>2007-05-06T22:47:59Z</dt>-- Date event happened (in RFC822 UTC format)
<fEmail>false</fEmail>-- True if it is an email event
<fHTML>false</fHTML>-- True if the event is an email and the html version has been cached. You should not need to look at this field. Instead use fEmail to determine if the event is an email and sFormat to determine if an edit is html-formatted
<sFormat></sFormat>-- 'html' if the event was created in HTML mode via Rich Case Events
<fExternal>false</fExternal>-- True if this case was created via an incoming email, discussion topic, or BugzScout
<sChanges>Project changed from 'Inbox' to 'Cave'.</sChanges>-- Description of changes to the case during this event
<evtDescription>Captain Caveman von Mikey zugewiesen</evtDescription>-- Description of event in YOUR language (in this case German)
-- if the event is an email (fEmail == true) then there are additional fields --
<sFrom>"JJ Walker" <jj@dynomite.org></sFrom>-- the from header from the message
<sTo>good@times.org</sTo>-- the to header from the message
<sCC></sCC>-- the cc header from the message
<sBCC></sBCC>-- the bcc header from the message (if readable)
<sReplyTo></sReplyTo>-- the replyto header from the message
<sSubject></sSubject>-- the subject header from the message
<sDate>5 Jun 07 21:07:54 GMT</sDate>-- the date header from the message (exactly as it appears usually rfc822 date)
BugzScout Case
<case ixBug="5184" operations="edit,assign,resolve,email,remind">
<![CDATA[ False ]]>
<![CDATA[ crash in CMyClass.GetData() at line 125 - version 2.5.44 ]]>
<ixProject>68</ixProject>-- project id
<![CDATA[The Farm]]>
</sProject>-- project name
<ixPersonOwner>6</ixPersonOwner>-- person who is the default owner for this project (id)
<![CDATA[Old MacDonald]]>
</sPersonOwner>-- name of owner
</sEmail>-- email of owner
<sPhone>555-294-4778</sPhone>-- phone of owner
<fInbox>false</fInbox>-- true if this is the Inbox project
<ixWorkflow>1</ixWorkflow>-- The workflow that applies to this project
<fDeleted>false</fDeleted> -- Is this project deleted?
<ixArea>53</ixArea>-- area id
<sArea>Bug</sArea>-- area name
<ixProject>23</ixProject>-- project (id) this area belongs to
<sProject>Antioch, CA</sProject>-- project (name) this area belongs to
<ixPersonOwner></ixPersonOwner>-- default owner of this area. if empty then use project owner
<sPersonOwner></sPersonOwner>-- name of owner of this area. if empty then use project owner
<nType>0</nType>-- type of area: 0=normal, 1=Not Spam, 2=Undecided, 3=Spam (Inbox areas only)
<cDoc>0</cDoc>-- number of documents trained into area (autosorted areas only)
<![CDATA[ Widget Support ]]>
<nType>0</nType>-- type of area: 0 = normal, 1 = Not Spam, 2 = Undecided, 3 = Spam (Inbox areas only)
<cDoc>0</cDoc>-- number of documents trained into area (autosorted areas only)
FixFors (Milestones)
<sStartNote>Can't start work until the hardware arrives.</sStartNote>
<sProject>New York City</sProject>
FixFor (Milestone)
<![CDATA[ Undecided ]]>
<ixPriority>1</ixPriority>-- priority id
<sPriority>Very Urgent</sPriority>-- priority name
<![CDATA[ Don't Fix ]]>
<ixCategory>1</ixCategory>-- category id
<sCategory>Bug</sCategory>-- category name
<sPlural>Bugs</sPlural>-- category plural name
<ixStatusDefault>2</ixStatusDefault>-- when a case of this category type is resolved, the status id of the default (selected) status
<fIsScheduleItem>false</fIsScheduleItem>-- true if this is a schedule item category
<![CDATA[ Critical Bug ]]>
<![CDATA[ Critical Bugs ]]>
<ixStatusDefault>27</ixStatusDefault>-- when a case of this category type is resolved, the status id of the default (selected) status
<iOrder>4</iOrder>-- display order as configured in Admin -> Workflow -> Categories
<nIconType>5</nIconType>-- the built-in icon this category uses
<ixAttachmentIcon>0</ixAttachmentIcon>-- the custom icon this category uses
<ixStatusDefaultActive>26</ixStatusDefaultActive>-- default active status for a newly opened case with this category type
<![CDATA[ Active ]]>
<![CDATA[ Resolved (Fixed) ]]>
<![CDATA[ In Triage ]]>
<![CDATA[ docs ]]>
<![CDATA[ beta ]]>
<![CDATA[ Widget Documentation ]]>
<![CDATA[ <b>Full documentation for CompanyCorp Widgets</b> ]]>
<ixTemplate>1</ixTemplate> -- template id
<sTemplate>My Template</sTemplate> -- template name
<sTemplate>My Template</sTemplate> -- template name
<sBodyHTML>...</sBodyHTML> -- template HTML
<sBodyCSS>...</sBodyCSS> -- template CSS
<nRevision>2</nRevision> -- current revision of the template
<fReadOnly>false</fReadOnly> -- whether or not the template can be modified/deleted
<fDefault>false</fDefault> -- whether or not this template is the default template for new wikis
Template Revisions
<![CDATA[ ]]>
<![CDATA[ Widget Documentation ]]>
<![CDATA[ template for docs: initial version ]]>
<![CDATA[ ]]>
<![CDATA[ Widget Documentation ]]>
Wiki Articles
<![CDATA[ Root Article ]]>
<![CDATA[ Widget Help ]]>
Wiki Article
<![CDATA[ Root Article ]]>
<![CDATA[ <p>This is a test article</p>
<a class="wikiNew" fc_linktext="Widget Help" href="default.asp?W3">Widget Help</a>
</p> ]]>
<![CDATA[ docs ]]>
Wiki Article Revisions
<![CDATA[ Root Article ]]>
<![CDATA[ Created root page ]]>
<![CDATA[ Root Article ]]>
<filter type="builtin" sFilter="ez349">My Cases</filter> -- built-in "My Cases" filter
<filter type="saved" sFilter="304">Cases I should have closed months ago</filter> -- an example saved filter for the current user
<filter type="shared" sFilter="98" status="current">Customer Service Top 10</filter> -- an example shared filter
Working Schedule
<ixPerson>2</ixPerson>-- person owner (id) of this schedule
<nHoursPerDay>8</nHoursPerDay>-- hrs of day that are actually devoted to work
<nWorkdayStarts>9</nWorkdayStarts>-- military hour that workday starts 9am = 9 / 5pm = 17
<nWorkdayEnds>17</nWorkdayEnds>-- military hour that workday ends 9am = 9 / 5pm = 17
<fHasLunch>true</fHasLunch>-- whether there is time off for lunch
<nLunchStarts>12</nLunchStarts>-- military hour that lunch starts
<hrsLunchLength>0.5</hrsLunchLength>-- hours long that lunch lasts
<dtLastUpdated>2007-05-06T22:39:31Z</dtLastUpdated>-- the date these values were last changed
<rgWorkDays>-- if value is true, then it is considered a workday
Project Percent Times
<ixBug>2</ixBug> -- case id for this interval
<ixInterval>8</ixInterval>-- interval (id)
<dtStart>9</dtStart>-- start time of interval
<dtEnd>17</dtEnd>-- end time of interval
<sTitle>1</sTitle>-- title of case
<ixPerson>12</ixPerson>-- person this interval applies to
<ixPerson>11</ixPerson>-- person (id)
<sFullName>Old MacDonald</sFullName>-- person name
<sEmail>grandpa@oldmacdonald.com</sEmail>-- person email
<sPhone></sPhone>-- person phone
<fAdministrator>false</fAdministrator>-- true if user is a site admin
<fCommunity>false</fCommunity>-- true if user is a community user
<fVirtual>false</fVirtual>-- true if user is a virtual user
<fDeleted>false</fDeleted>-- true if account is inactive
<fNotify>true</fNotify>-- true if user receives email notifications
<sHomepage></sHomepage>-- homepage url
<sLocale>en-us</sLocale>-- The locale code for the date/number language (i.e., "en-us") ( "*" means use browser format )
<sLanguage>en-us</sLanguage>-- The locale code for the UI language (i.e., "en-us") ( "*" means use browser format )
<sTimeZoneKey>Eastern Standard Time</sTimeZoneKey>-- A key that defines the time zone setting for this person's account (i.e., "Eastern Standard Time"). The values for this setting are operating system dependent. ( "*" means use fogbugz default )
<fExpert>false</fExpert>-- No longer used
<![CDATA[ Administrator ]]>
<![CDATA[ it@example.com ]]>
<![CDATA[ * ]]>
<![CDATA[ * ]]>
<![CDATA[ * ]]>
<![CDATA[ ` ]]>
Discussion Groups (without topics)
Discussion Group (includes topics)
<sHeadline>a second topic</sHeadline>
<sPost>new topic message</sPost>
Discussion Topic (includes posts for a topic)
<sHeadline>test headline</sHeadline>
<sHeadline>test headline</sHeadline>
<sPost>another message</sPost>
<sEmail>-- the email address from mailbox settings
<![CDATA[ "customer support" <customer@company.com> ]]>
<sEmailUser>-- the "personal" email address with your name
<![CDATA[ "Jonas Jalopy" <customer@company.com> ]]>
<sTemplate>-- the automatic message reply text or "signature"
<![CDATA[ -- Sincerely, Customer Service ]]>
<sEmail>-- the email address from mailbox settings
<![CDATA[ "customer support" <customer@company.com> ]]>
<sEmailUser>-- the "personal" email address with your name
<![CDATA[ "Jonas Jalopy" <customer@company.com> ]]>
<sTemplate>-- the automatic message reply text or "signature"
<![CDATA[ -- Sincerely, Customer Service ]]>
Settings (user)
<sTimeZoneKey>Eastern Standard Time</sTimeZoneKey>-- this user's time zone
<nTimeZoneOffset>-14400</nTimeZoneOffset>-- offset in seconds from UTC for this user
<sServerTime>2007-10-05T11:34:14Z</sServerTime>-- current time on the FogBugz server
<cols>sCategory,ixBug,sLatestTextSummary,sStatus,ixPersonOpenedBy,sPriority</cols>-- an approximation of the columns in the user's current filter
Site Settings (available with FogBugz 8.2+)
<sVersion>8.2.0</sVersion>-- version of FogBugz installation
<sCustom1>Client Phone Number</sCustom1>-- name of the first built-in Extra Case Field (not associated with the Custom Fields plugin)
<sCustom2>Computer</sCustom2>-- name of the second built-in Extra Case Field (not associated with the Custom Fields plugin)
Evidence-Based Scheduling
Ship Date
<dtCalc>2008-12-06T06:01:58Z</dtCalc>-- The date and time when this calculation was performed.
-- The 5, 50, and 95% confidence completion dates calculated --
-- The 5, 50, and 95% confidence sums of projected hours remaining to complete in this FixFor and all preceding FixFors in its project. --
-- The 5, 50, and 95% confidence sums of projected hours remaining to complete in ths FixFor only. --
<dtOfficial>2009-02-27T05:00:00Z</dtOfficial>-- The user-supplied official ship date fo this FixFor at the time of calculation.
<fGlobal>true</fGlobal>-- True if the snippet is available to all users
<name><![CDATA[1]]></name>-- Snippet
<text><![CDATA[Hi [[name]],
Thanks for writing to us!
]]></text>-- Replacement text
<comment><![CDATA[Insert at the beginning of most email]]></comment>-- Notes
Correspondent Emails
<email>"Albert Einstein" <aeinstein@example.com></email>
<email>"Bob Smith" <bob@example.com></email>
<email>"Grace Hopper" <grace.hopper@example.com></email>
See also the full XML API documentation.
Priyanka Bhotika