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How Do I Start and Shutdown FogBugz?

FogBugz 7.x or 8.x on Windows

To Stop

  1. Stop the FogBugz Maintenance Service
    1. Click Start > Administrative Tools > Services
    2. Right-click on FogBugz Maintenance Service
    3. Click Stop
  2. Stop the FogBugz IIS Application Pool
    1. Click Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
    2. Click the ‘+’ next to the web server’s name
    3. Click Application Pools
    4. Right-click on C–Program-Files–x86–FogBugz–website and click Stop. Note: This is the default name and it could be different if you have customized the install of your FogBugz.

 To Start

  1. Start the FogBugz IIS Application Pool
    1. Click Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
    2. Click the ‘+’ next to the web server’s name
    3. Click Application Pools
    4. Right-click on C–Program-Files–x86–FogBugz–website and click StartNote: This is the default name and it could be different if you have customized the install of your FogBugz.
  2. Start the FogBugz Maintenance Service
    1. Click Start > Administrative Tools > Services
    2. Right-click on FogBugz Maintenance Service
    3. Click Start

FogBugz 6.x, 7.x, 8.x on Linux

FogBugz 7.x, 8.x

To Stop

Run /[path to fogbugz]/bin/fogbugzctl stop to stop the FogBugz web site and maintenance service.

To Start

Run /[path to fogbugz]/bin/fogbugzctl start to start the FogBugz web site and maintenance service.

FogBugz 6.x

To Stop

Stop the Maintenance service with [fogbugz folder]/Accessories/fogbugzmaintd stop and then stop apache

To Start

Start the Maintenance service with [fogbugz folder]/Accessories/fogbugzmaintd start and then start apache

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
