Overview When you encounter complex issues with FogBugz or Kiln, such as troubles with an expected UI behavior while using the Chrome browser, we need some information from your Chrome perspective in ...
First, make sure that the screen shot tool is pointing to the right URL. You’ll find the URL in the lower-right corner of the screen shot tool window. Pay close attention to the different between HT...
Overview When you encounter complex issues with FogBugz (i.e., unexpected User Interface behavior), the Support Team sometimes needs some information from your browser’s perspective to investigate and...
Overview Some users may experience an issue with the timestamp on emails sent through FogBugz On-Demand. The timestamps on these emails may appear one hour behind the correct time due to the UK's tran...
Overview When facing any of the following with your FogBugz On-Demand account: cannot access your FogBugz instance your FogBugz seems to be slow, non-responsive, unavailable, offline or down your FogB...