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  • Using Go With Kiln

    Go has its own built-in mechanism, go get, to install packages and dependencies. Kiln can be used to host these in a Git repository with a few small adjustments. First, make sure you are set up to use...

  • Using Git with your team

    Contents 1 Sharing With the Team 1.1 Distributed Storage 1.2 Git Server Options 2 Working with Remotes 3 Distributed Development Reality 4 Don’t Cross the Streams 4.1 Who’s the Master? 4.2 One More Th...

  • Kiln and MacOS

    Contents 1 The basics 1.1 Git 1.2 Mercurial 2 Advanced features: The Kiln extensions 3 Branching out: alternate version control client software Setting up Kiln to work with MacOS is relatively straigh...

  • Git related vocabulary

    Contents 1 Repository 2 Commit 2.1 SHA1—The name of a Commit 3 Tags 4 Branch  Kiln supports both Git and Mercurial (hg). If your team is new to Git, here are some terms that will be important to learn...

  • Getting to know Git

    Contents 1 Introducing Git 1.1 git config 1.2 git init 1.3 git add 1.4 git commit Introducing Git Before we get started we need to introduce ourselves to Git. This is important because beyond tracking...

  • Fixing mistakes with Git

    Contents 1 Viewing history 2 Fixing Mistakes 3 Changing History 4 Are They Really Gone? Viewing history Inevitably when working with Git, a mistake will occur. In order to learn to fix mistakes, start...