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  • Switching Database Formats

    Overview FogBugz stores all the data it needs to run in the database. Please contact FogBugz Support to get further information on switching database formats. In the meantime, review this article to u...

  • Moving FogBugz For Your Server (FBFYS) to Another Server

    Overview This article provides a guide to move the FogBugz application (site) to another server. This guide addresses a variety of server/database scenarios and makes reference to the Accessories dire...

  • Moving FogBugz For Your Server (FYS) license to a new server

    Overview When Moving FogBugz For Your Server (FYS) to Another Server, you will need to install a license to the new server. The problem is that FYS is a legacy version of FogBugz. On 31 December 2020,...