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Using Private Browsing for Troubleshooting


When experiencing difficulty in accessing the application, or if something is not behaving as usual, take the first step to eliminate the possibility of environmental issues. Most commonly, these are problems with browser cache, plugins, or network connectivity.

This article shares information about using the private browsing mode in different browsers and operating systems. This is the easiest way to eliminate the most common environmental issues.



Sometimes browser plugins, stale caches, and other environmental variables can cause problems. If you notice any aberrant behavior, use the private browsing mode in your web browser to eliminate the most common environmental issues.

Previously, users would clear browser cache or disable plugins, but presently, browsers can run in a 'cache-less' and 'plugin-less' environment using the private browsing mode. 

  • If the application or site runs correctly in the private browsing mode, then most likely, the issue lies within your environment.
  • If the application or site still does not run correctly in the private browsing mode, then perform further troubleshooting to identify the problem.


Google Chrome: Incognito mode

Privately browse in Google Chrome by opening an Incognito tab with the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • Mac: Command + Shift + N
  • Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Shift + N

Alternatively, follow these steps to open an Incognito tab in the browser's user interface:

  1. Click on the three-dot (mceclip7.png) in the top-right corner.
  2. Select New Incognito Window.



A dark tab appears with a disguised-person icon in the top-right corner, as seen below. You may also get a notice with more information about this mode.



Mozilla Firefox: Private Window

Privately browse in Mozilla Firefox by opening a Private Window tab with the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Shift + N
  • Mac: Command + Shift + P

Alternatively, follow these steps to open a Private Window tab in the browser's user interface:

  1. Click on the triple-bar (mceclip10.png) icon in the top-right corner.
  2. Select New Private Window.



A purple masquerade-style mask appears in the top-right corner of the Private Window tab. You may also get a notice with more information about this mode.



Safari: Private Window

Privately browse in the Safari web browser on Mac by opening a Private Window tab using this keyboard shortcut: Command + Shift + N

Alternatively, open a Private Window tab in the browser's user interface by going to File > New Private Window.



The Private Window tab has a dark Smart Search field with information about private browsing, as seen below.



Microsoft Edge: InPrivate Browsing

Privately browse in Microsoft Edge on Windows by opening an InPrivate Window tab using this keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + N

Alternatively, follow these steps to open an InPrivate Window tab in the browser's user interface:

  1. Click on the three horizontal dots (mceclip13.png) icon.
  2. Select New InPrivate Window.



A dark blue InPrivate badge appears in the top-left corner of the URL bar, as seen below. You may also get a notice with more information about this mode.



Internet Explorer: InPrivate Browsing

Privately browse in Microsoft Internet Explorer by opening tabs in the InPrivate Browsing mode with the following keyboard shortcuts: 

  • Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Shift + P
  • Mac: Command + Shift + P


Alternatively, follow these steps to open an InPrivate tab in the browser's user interface:

  1. Click on the Gear (mceclip11.png) icon.
  2. Select InPrivate Browsing.



A dark blue InPrivate badge appears in the top-left corner of the URL bar, as seen below. You may also get a notice with more information about this mode.



Further Troubleshooting

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
