FogBugz and Kiln are supported by the most popular web browsers of the market. We do not support new browser versions until they are out of beta, and we do not support developer versions of browsers.
We try to make FogBugz’s functionality degrade gracefully in prior versions of all supported browsers, but in general, we don't support browser versions after EOL (End-of-Life).
This article contains a detailed list of supported browsers and browser versions.
Our engineering resources are better spent creating awesome new features than in chasing bugs caused by old browsers. That is why we recommend using one of the supported browsers listed below.
As a general guideline:
- we support stable and latest versions of popular browsers
- we don’t support new browser versions until they are out of beta.
- we don't support browsers after EOL.
If you’ve altered Chrome to use the Beta, Dev, or Canary channels, or Firefox to use Beta or Aurora channels, you can expect intermittent breakage as those browsers introduce new features or bugs. We willl fully support those changes once they’ve made it to their respective release channels.
Supported Browsers
FogBugz On-Demand and FogBugz On-Premise 8.22.180+ supports the following browsers:
- Chrome: latest stable version. NOT supporting: Beta, Dev or Canary channels.
- Firefox: latest release version. NOT supporting: Beta, Aurora or Central channels.
- Microsoft Edge
- Apple Safari latest version
IE 10, IE 11 and mobile versions of any browser are not officially supported, but they might work.
FogBugz On-Premise 8.15.0 till 8.22.135 supports the following browsers:
- Chrome (NOT supporting: Beta, Dev or Canary channels)
- Firefox (NOT supporting: Beta, Aurora or Central channels)
- IE 10 (with Compatibility View disabled)
IE 11, Microsoft Edge, Safari (latest version) and mobile versions of any browser are not officially supported, but they might work.
FogBugz For Your Server (8.8.55 and below):
- IE: 9 (with Compatibility View disabled)
- FogBugz 8.8.50 also supports IE 8.
- Chrome (NOT Beta, Dev or Canary channels)
- Firefox (NOT Beta or Aurora)
- Safari: 5, 6
Unsupported Browsers
These browsers are not tested against or supported by the FogBugz team. They may happen to function but have known display and functionality issues.
- IE8 and earlier and any version of IE with compatibility view enabled
- Pre-Release channels of Firefox and Chrome
- Opera
- Lynx
Priyanka Bhotika