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Lost Password to Administrator Account


This article shows how to recover lost passwords to an administrator account. You should try the following steps only if you have lost passwords of all administrator accounts.


  • Administrator Access to Database
  • This works for FogBugz On-Site - version 8.15 to 8.19
  • This does not work on Manuscript (FogBugz 8.21) or on FogBugz On-Premise (version 8.22 and above)
  • If you are using FogBugz on-Demand, contact us directly.

Step-by-Step Process-

  1. STEP 1: Find out the Database Path. You will need direct database access to follow these instructions.
    1. In Windows, you can find the location of your FogBugz database by using Regedit and looking at the value for sConnectionString in the registry under - 
      • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Fog Creek Software\FogBugz\[path to your install] (or
      • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Fog Creek Software\FogBugz\[path to your install] on a 64-bit system if FogBugz runs in 32-bit mode).
    2. In Linux/Unix, find the key in your /opt/fogbugz/Accessories/ file.


  2. STEP 2: Log in to the Database instance and run the following queries - 
    UPDATE Setting SET sValue = '0' WHERE sKey = 'fPasswordEnable';
    UPDATE Setting SET sValue = '0' WHERE sKey = 'iAuthType';
  3. NOTE: At this point, FogBugz will allow anyone to log on without a password. 
  4. STEP 3: Using a web browser, log on to your FogBugz administrator account
    1. In FogBugz, go to Admin -> Site Configuration and click on the Authentication tab
    2. Change the logon method back to what you used previously
      • For LDAP or Active Directory, choose the appropriate tab, verify your settings and hit OK
      • For passwords stored in the FogBugz database, change the drop-down to require passwords again to secure your site.
  5. STEP4: You can now reset your password or fix your LDAP/AD settings as needed.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
