Read more about FogBugz Plugins in this article.
List of Available Plugins
1. Add Subscribers
- The AddSubscribers plugin has been replaced by a native feature in FogBugz Ocelot. Enable it on the Advanced tab of Screw Icon/Avatar menu > Site Configuration
2. AutoSubscribe
- Automatically subscribe to certain types of cases (e.g., all in a specified project) via the Subscribe option in your avatar menu
3. BugMonkey
- Add custom javascript and CSS to FogBugz
4. Case Event Edit
- Modify existing comments on cases, maintaining a full revision history
5. Case Event Merge
- When resolving a case as a duplicate of another, allows the user to choose to show its events in the other case.
6. Case Updated Notifications
- FogBugz shows a yellow notification real-time when another user edits a case you are viewing (formerly a Bug Monkey customization)
7. Clark Kent
- Simple time reporting of time spent against FogBugz cases
8. Code Snippets
- Format text as code blocks in cases by wrapping with <code></code>. Use the Insert menu in wikis to add formatted code blocks to articles
9. Community Case List
- Provide authorized community users access to a list of all cases in a project
10. Custom Fields
- Add your own custom fields to cases under Custom Fields in the Screw icon/Avatar menu
11. Dependencies (replaced by Postpone)
- Create dependencies between cases such that when one or more are resolved, another case is reactivated
12. Do Later (replaced by Postpone)
- Setup notifications about a case or re-open it to you at a later date
13. Email All Users
- As an administrator, send an email to all users in your account via Email All Users in the Screw icon/Avatar menu
14. Filter Export
- Export any case list as a CSV file under the More drop-down
15. FogBugz News Network (FNN)
- Provides information on activity in FogBugz such as who is working on what case
16. FogBugz Time Sheet
- Provides two reports, hours spent per person per project and case events created in a given period.
- (formerly a plugin named “FogBugzTimeSheetPlugin” by Albrektsen Innovasjon AS)
17. Inline Image Attachments
- Show images which your correspondent attached in-line in the place they chose instead of the bottom of the case
18. Kanban Board
- Manage your cases with a Kanban board interface.
- Update: This plugin is being deprecated and being replaced by our new Kanban.
19. Kiln
- Kiln changesets are displayed in FogBugz cases which they reference
20. Kiln Lock Down
- This plugin lets you prevent access to Kiln for certain users. It was discontinued on Nov 20, 2014, when it became obsolete. You can now specify in Screw Icon/Avatar Menu > Users whether each user can access FogBugz, Kiln or both
21. Notify
- When editing a case, enter one or more users’ names to notify them of the change
22. Perforce DTG Integration
- Integrate FogBugz with the Perforce Defect Tracking Gateway under Screw Icon/Avatar Menu>Source Control
23. Project Backlog
- Keep your cases in a per-project backlog sequence
- Update: This plugin has been deprecated and is replaced by the Iteration Planner and located under the tools menu
24. Project Groups
- Group several projects together under a larger heading
25. Reporting
- Switch your case filter from a list to a chart or graph with the control in the top-left
26. URL Trigger
- Configure URLs for FogBugz to send data about case changes to under Screw Icon/Avatar Menu -> URL Trigger
27. Wiki Article Index
- Similar to the built-in table of contents, this widget shows an index of all articles in the wiki
28. Wiki Article Table of Contents
- Add a dynamic table of contents to a wiki article using the Insert menu
29. Wiki Comments
- Add a comments widget to a wiki article using the Insert menu
30. Wiki Info-page plugins
- View various information about an article by clicking the Info link
31. Wiki Navigation
- Using the default FogBugz 8 wiki template, enable a dynamic navigation sidebar
32. Workflow
- Configure custom categories, statuses and workflow assignments under Screw icon/Avatar Menu-> Workflow
Priyanka Bhotika