FogBugz API provides also a JSON interface where you can send requests and receive responses in JSON format.
For complete documentation on supported commands and arguments, please see our XML API documentation.
How to use the FogBugz JSON API:
- The API URL is:
- note:
, nothttp
- note:
- Only POST requests are supported.
- The POST must contain no parameters (except when attaching files), and be passed a JSON object in the raw body.
- Strings containing lists (e.g.
) must be sent as an array (e.g."cols": ["sTitle", "sStatus"]
) - The JSON API understands values other than strings where appropriate:
- Fields that begin with ix (e.g., ixBug) will accept and return integer values.
- Fields that begin with f (e.g., fAdministrator) will accept and return boolean values (true/false).
Windows built-in curl specific instructions:
- all curl parameters should be enclosed in double-quotes ", instead of single-quote '
- the double quotes within the JSON raw body content should be escaped by replacing the " double-quotes with \" backslash + double quote
Logging on
Request Body:
{ "cmd": "logon", "email": "email@example.com", "password": "yourpassword" }
{ "data": { "token": "secret24dsg34lok43un23" } ... }
Creating a New Case with Token Using cUrl
curl --location --request POST "https://yourfogbugzsite.com/f/api/0/jsonapi" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "cmd": "new", "token" : "secret24dsg34lok43un23" , "sTitle" : "Case created with JSON API", "sEvent" : "Here is the first comment" }'
{ "data": { "case": { "ixBug": 1106, "operations": [ "edit", "assign", "resolve", "email" ] } }, "errors": [], "warnings": [] }, "errorCode": null, "maxCacheAge": null }
Read this article about Creating a Case with an Attachment Using the JSON API.
Searching Cases
Request Body:
{ "cmd": "search", "token": "24dsg34lok43un23", "q": "test", "max": 2, "cols": ["sTitle", "sStatus"] }
{ "data": { "count": 2, "totalHits": 11, "cases": [ { "ixBug": 29, "operations": [ "edit", "assign", "resolve", "email" ], "sTitle": "test 123", "sStatus": "Active" }, { "ixBug": 22, "operations": [ "edit", "assign", "resolve", "email" ], "sTitle": "test 456", "sStatus": "Active" } } ... }
Error Handling
Errors will be returned in the errors
{ ... "errors": [ { "message": "Error 3: Not logged in", "detail": null, "code": "3" } ] ... }
See our XML API documentation for a full list of error codes.
Priyanka Bhotika