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Contacting Customer Support Using FogBugz On Demand


Whenever you experience any issue with FogBugz On-Demand (performance issues, instabilities) or you would like to ask a question about a feature, or you discover a new bug, you can easily and quickly reach our support platform for submitting a new ticket from within FogBugz On-Demand by using the steps described below.



You can create a new ticket with the FogBugz Customer Support team by following the steps mentioned below:

  1. Navigate to your Avatar Menu > Your FogBugz Account page.


  2. In the Customer Support section, click Contact Customer Support.


  3. This link will redirect you to our support page, where you can open a support ticket for us.

If your FogBugz looks different and you don't have this link then you might be on an older subscription plan. Please consider upgrading your subscription plan.

In the meanwhile, you can open a support ticket for us using the steps from this guide.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
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