If your FogBugz-Zapier integration stops working unexpectedly, without you changing it, usually, it is related to changes in the authentication (or in the authentication URL) between FogBugz and Zapier.
When you are setting up a new integration (Zap), during the initial testing of the Zap, you might receive an error saying "Our computers took too long" or "Zap.getCDATA is not a function". This might be related to choosing the wrong FogBugz event type. Check the supported triggers and actions.
- FogBugz Administrator role
- Access to Zapier Account
If your Zap (FogBugz-Zapier integration) stopped working lately without you changing it, usually it is due to changes in the connection between FogBugz and Zapier. This could be because of several causes:
- you changed your FogBugz password, so the FogBugz token provided in Zapier for the FogBugz connection got invalidated
- you changed your FogBugz URL, for example, because you moved your On-Premise instance to a new server.
To confirm that this is the case follow these steps:
- Log in to your Zapier account
- Go to My Apps
- Select your FogBugz connection and click Test.
- If the Test fails, click on the see details to find out more about the root cause.
- On the details page, in case of authentication failure you will see something like this:
If the connection test does not fail, then you will need to review the triggers and actions you use.
- Select your FogBugz connection and click on Reconnect.
- Follow the instruction for FogBugz-Zapier Integration - Setting Up The Connection.
After finishing the connection setup, you can double-check again your connection by clicking Test. The Test button should turn green showing a Successful connection.
Priyanka Bhotika