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FogBugz-Zapier Integration - Setting Up The Connection


Zapier provides automated and standard interfaces to integrate FogBugz with hundreds of other apps using Triggers and Actions.

This article shows you how to connect your FogBugz instance with Zapier.



  • A Zapier Account
  • Pop-ups enabled in your browser (at least for the domain).



  1. Log in to your Zapier account
  2. Click on My Apps and select Fogbugz from the drop-down menu (start typing to find it quicker).  


  3. A pop-up will open (Note: Pop-ups must be enabled.)
  4. Enter your FogBugz API Token. An API Token can be generated from your FogBugz Account (see Create API Token).
  5. If you are connecting an On-Demand account enter the Account Name, and leave Site URL blank.
  6. If you are connecting an On-Premises instance, leave the Account Name blank, and enter the Site URL, including the trailing / at the end.

  7. Click Yes, Continue. Zapier will test your account to make sure the connection works. If the test is successful, the connection will appear in your Connections list.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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