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Error: 'Paths are missing or misconfigured.' While Installing FogBugz



Sometimes, while installing or upgrading FogBugz, you may receive the following error message:

[AS - Preflight] Paths are missing or misconfigured. Run DeveloperSetup to repair.
[psake] error: 2019-06-23 16:12:05:
~~~~~ [<<==>>] Exception: ScriptHalted
An unexpected exit code was received during your setup operation. Please inspect previous output for errors and contact
FogBugz support for assistance: https://


This article describes the root cause, troubleshooting steps, and the resolution for this error.




The resolution provided in this article applies to FogBugz On-Premises/On-Site products that are being installed on a Windows server.


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Root Cause


The Java system variable JAVA_HOME does not point to the correct location. Most of the time, the issue has to do with the PATH variable. If you clean it up and start fresh, the installer should pass that error.

Please note that this kind of message tends to happen if you are upgrading to Java 8 but have not updated JAVA_HOME.


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Troubleshooting Steps


To confirm that the error message mentioned above is related to Java, run the following test on the command prompt:

$pathsOK = (Test-Command java)
-and (Test-Command javac)
-and (Test-Command redis-cli)
-and (Test-Command Invoke-SqlCmd)
-and ($env:JAVA_HOME)
if (-not $pathsOK) { Write-LogWarn 'Paths are missing or misconfigured. Run DeveloperSetup to repair.' throw }

As long as Java and the Java compiler javac are on PATH, the installation should be fine. Thus, to resolve the error detailed above, add Java and javac to the PATH variable. For more details on configuring PATH and JAVA_HOME, refer to Installing the JDK Software and Setting JAVA_HOME.

If this is not the case and everything is fine with Java, then the issue might be related to redis-cli or Invoke-SqlCmd.


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In most cases, the solution is to uninstall all Java versions from the server and let the installer use its installer.

When Java has been upgraded to Java 8, make sure that JAVA_HOME environment variable points to the correct location:

  1. Navigate to Control Panel > System and Security > System.

  2. Click Advanced system settings.

  3. Click Environment Variables....


  4. In System Variables:

    • If JAVA_HOME does not exist, click New. Enter JAVA_HOME as the Variable name, the correct file path location in the Variable value field, and then click OK.


    • If JAVA_HOME exists, select the JAVA_HOME variable, click Edit, enter the correct file path location in the Variable value field, and then click OK.



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Resume the installation process, and you should be able to proceed to the next step without errors.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
