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Upgrading FogBugz FYS to FogBugz On-Premises


When upgrading from FogBugz For Your Server (FYS) to Manuscript or the latest versions of FogBugz (8.21 or higher), there are multiple upgrade paths to accomplish this task. However, the simplest approach is to create a clean installation of the latest FogBugz On-Premises installation and then migrate the data from the old installation.

Please note that this document applies to customers already using SQL Server. To import a MySQL database, you need to convert to SQL Server first.

We offer attended migrations of your existing For Your Server data to FogBugz On-Premises, typically during our normal business hours (9 AM to 5 PM Eastern, Monday to Friday). Feel free to contact our Success Team
 for a quotation on the migration process.


The following are the known issues when migrating from FogBugz FYS (FogBugz versions < 8.8.55) to On-Premises versions:

  • The old FogBugs FYS SSL implementation is different than in the newer Manuscript/FogBugz On-Premises. This tends to create multiple conflicts, and the upgrade cannot be completed. The solution, if you are trying to upgrade directly, is to disable the SSL on the FYS installation and then upgrade without SSL. The SSL implementation can later be applied to the newer version.
  • Database convention has changed since FogBugz On-Site. The database in the old FYS (FogBugz versions < 8.8.55) uses a naming convention different than FogBugz since the On-Site version (8.15 and higher). This may create issues when attempting to upgrade or migrate the database to the newer versions.
  • Java versions have changed since FogBugz On-Site. This can cause difficulties when installing newer versions as the JAVA_HOME path may be missing.



If you are using FogBugz FYS versions < 8.8.55 then you should first upgrade to FogBugz FYS 8.8.55 before proceeding with the upgrade to FogBugz On-Premises.
When upgrading from FYS to newer versions, the recommended process is as follows:

  1. If you were using AD/LDAP, make sure to disable it before performing the upgrade. It can later be disabled via SQL, but it is easier if you do it via Site Configuration.
  2. Backup your old database installation. Make sure the SQL Server backup of the FogBugz For Your Server database is available locally on the FogBugz On-Premises database server. For reduced downtime, we recommend moving the FYS database to your new server before the migration to On-Premises.
  3. Create a new clean installation of the newer version. Follow the instructions in the articles below:
    1. Pre-Installation Checklist and Configuration Steps for FogBugz On-Premises Installation.
    2. Run the Installer for FogBugz On-Premises Install or Upgrade.
  4. If you run into a compatibility message when installing FogBugz/Manuscript on Windows 2016, make sure to apply the article Error: "Detected Major version 6, Minor version 3" When Installing on Windows Server 2016 to run the installation successfully. 


 Importing FYS Data into On-Premises

  1. Stop the IIS on the newly upgraded FogBugz On-Premises web server.
  2. During the database import stage into the new installation, make sure that the old restored database fogbugz is renamed to Trial1. To do that, you may discard the newer database or rename it.
  3. During the database Restore process, on SQL Server Management System, select Options and then select Overwrite the existing database (WITH REPLACE) option:


  4. Ensure the FogBugz On-Site database user is mapped as db_owner on the newly restored Trial1 database.
  5. Disable active mailboxes. This gives you an opportunity to confirm the migrated data before pulling in new cases from any active mailboxes:

    UPDATE Mailbox 
    SET fEnabled = 0 WHERE fDeleted = 0;
  6. If you are running the upgrade on a test instance, we recommend sanitizing the database to avoid unwanted interactions with your production instance.
  7. Start the IIS on the newly upgraded FogBugz On-Premises webserver (if not running), and allow the database to be automatically upgraded.


Post Installation Steps

Once the installer completes, do the following post-installation steps logged-in from the FogBugz web server:

  1. Ensure AD/LDAP is disabled by running the following query:
    SELECT *
    FROM setting WHERE skey = 'iAuthType';


    This query must return 0 in sValue filed.

    Note: The AD/LDAP is no longer supported in the newer FogBugz versions. We recommend SAML Single Sign-On instead.
  2. If you are changing the Server URL name (this includes changing from HTTP to HTTPS and vice versa), update the sURLEmailPrefix in the database:

    SELECT * 
    FROM Setting WHERE sKey LIKE '%sURLPrefixEmail%';
    UPDATE Setting SET sValue = '<new URL including protocol>'
    WHERE sKey LIKE '%sURLPrefixEmail%';
  3. Make sure you are logging into FogBugz site as an administrator.
  4. If the administrator password is not accepted or lost during the process, you may temporarily disable the password access into the system:

    UPDATE Setting SET sValue = '0' 
    WHERE sKey= 'fPasswordEnable';

    Now you may access the system using any user in the system. Remember to return the setting back after the post-installation steps are complete:

    UPDATE Setting SET sValue = '1' 
    WHERE sKey= 'fPasswordEnable';
  5. Open the following page <your FogBugz URL>/f/debug/featureswitches.
    Select the dropdown in the row labeled SelfServiceSchemaFix and choose Force Enable, then click on the Update button.
  6. Open the following page <your FogBugz URL>/f/debug/database/schemacheck.
    If there are errors on this page, click on the Fix these errors button.
  7. On the resulting page, click Back to Schema Check.
    If there are still errors on the page, please submit a ticket to our Support Team.
  8. Open the following page <your FogBugz URL>/f/debug/database/schemacheck, and verify that there are no errors when it is accessed from the FogBugz web server.
    You should see the following message:


    If there are errors on the page, please submit a ticket to our Support Team.
  9. Start ES backfills by navigating to <your FogBugz URL>/f/debug/es from the FogBugz web server. You will get error 403 if you try to connect from an external workstation. 

    You may face an error: Alias not found.
    In this case, click on the button Create ES Alias at the bottom of the page.
  10. Click on the Start Indexer Backfill button for each document type (bug, wikipage, and discusstopic).

  11. Disable the Kiln plugin by running the following query:
    UPDATE Plugin
    SET fEnabled=0 WHERE sPluginId LIKE '%kiln%';

    Note: Kiln is no longer supported in FogBugz On-Site and later versions.
  12. Ensure there are no admin notifications under the Gear Menu in FogBugz.

  13. Once you are satisfied with the migrated data, re-enable mailboxes as necessary (Gear Menu > Mailboxes).
  14. As final steps, configure:


If the upgrade process is successful, you should be able to log in to the newer installation, and the front-end screen should display the version number of the installation:



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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
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