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Run the Installer for FogBugz On-Premises Install or Upgrade


The full list of actions taken during the installation of FogBugz On-Premises is described in our process overview document. Depending on the configuration of your web server, the installation may require one or more restarts, so please consider the effect on existing services when planning.



  • All pre-installation steps executed and configured as per the Pre-Installation Checklist and Configuration Steps.
  • Your FogBugz On-Premises installation ISO is mounted or a physical copy of the image is inserted in the server.
  • Internet connectivity is provided to your FogBugz Server for the duration of the installation or upgrade process. The installer might need to download additional content. Once the installation process is complete, you can revoke the internet access.

If you copy the content of the FogBugz On-Premises ISO image to a folder, make sure the folder's path does not contain whitespaces.



If you are installing FogBugz On-Premises on your current FogBugz server, please note that installations of FogBugz For-Your-Server (FBFYS) and FogBugz On-Premises cannot coexist.

Depending on your current FogBugz version execute the Installation or Upgrade steps:

  • If you do not have a running instance of FogBugz, execute the Installation.
  • If your current instance of FogBugz is FBFYS, i.e., version 8.8.55 or earlier, execute the Installation and import your data into On-Premises.
  • If you are running FogBugz On-Site, i.e., later than 8.8.55 or FogBugz On-Premises, execute the steps from the Upgrading section.

If you are interested what are the detailed installation and configuration steps that the installer executes, read the Installation Script Tasks.



  1. Start a PowerShell prompt with Run as Administrator, navigate to the root directory of the mounted ISO, i.e., D:\, run SetupWizard.ps1 and follow the prompts. You will be asked for several configuration parameters.

    • If this is a new install, select Install FogBugz On-Premises
    • If you are installing an additional site alongside an existing FogBugz On-Premises installation, select the option to Add another site to an existing FogBugz On-Premises Installation at the first prompt when running SetupWizard.ps1
    • During this process, please double-check your settings to avoid any typos.


  2. During the process, the installer will ask for the parameters required during install that you have prepared as part of the pre-install checklist. In most cases, if you prefer, just press Enter to use the default option. For example: the Installation Directory by default is C:\FogBugz.
  3. During the installation, the setup wizard will install additional components. Please be patient and wait for the script to prompt for your action. An example of a component installation progress:


  4. Restart the machine or PowerShell prompt when advised, and re-run SetupWizard.ps1 (choose to resume your setup operation).
  5. During the installation, you might see some warnings in yellow. You don't need to take any action on them.


  6. As part of the installation finalization, the setup wizard will try to activate your installation automatically. It will try a maximum of 20 attempts. If it does not succeed, you will have the option of offline license activation when you first login to FogBugz.


  7. Once the setup wizard completes, the password reset URL will be launched in the default browser. For a new installation, this will allow you to set the password for the Administrator account created during the installation.
  8. Log in to FogBugz On-Premises using the administrator email address configured in SetupWizard.ps1.
  9. Once the installation is complete, and upon login, if automatic activation failed during the install, you will be taken to the license activation page.
  10. As the last step, ensure there are no admin notifications under the Administrator's Avatar icon.

If you are upgrading from FogBugz For Your Server, then once the installation is successful, you can import your data into On-Premises.


  • If the script closes at some point, just launch it again (by running the setup wizard again .\Setupwizard.ps1).
  • Seek for errors or warnings in the messages. You might need to manually install other requirements if the script keeps failing. (\autosetup\resources). When prompted to continue, input Y.
  • To fix potential issues that may occur during the installation or upgrade process, see the article Common Installation, Migration and Upgrade Issues for FogBugz On-Premises.



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Note: While an in-place upgrade process could work, it is not the best practice since it does not allow full end-to-end roll-back in case of any issues (such rollback need could be generated by other components, too, not just the database).

That is why we are recommending you to do the upgrade first on a staging environment, and when the upgrade finished successfully, you can switch your production environment to it.

  1. Ensure you are familiar with the installation process: how does the SetupWizard provide progress information and requests your input.
  2. Ensure you stop the FogBugz services – FogBugz ElasticSearch, FogBugz Heartbeat Pinger, and FogBugz Queuing Service.

  3. Start a PowerShell prompt with Run as Administrator, navigate to the root directory of the mounted ISO (i.e., D:\) or the installer folder, run SetupWizard.ps1 and follow the prompts.
    • Choose the option of Upgrade an existing FogBugz On-Premises installation rather than install a new one.
  4. The installer might require to download some online content:
    1. If at some point, the system gets stuck downloading content, attempt to unblock it by pressing the down arrow mceclip2.png key.
    2. If the installer gets stuck, stop the installation and re-run SetupWizard.ps1 (the installer will resume the setup operation).
  5. Restart the machine or the PowerShell prompt when advised, and re-run SetupWizard.ps1 (choose to resume your setup operation).

    The following message is displayed:

    A PowerShell restart is required to continue. Please restart PowerShell and re-run SetupWizard.ps1 to resume your setup operation.

  6. When the installation completes, restart the server to see the changes.
  7. If needed, Apply your license.
  8. Continue the upgrade process by executing the Additional Configuration Steps after Upgrading FogBugz On-Premises.
NOTE: If upgrading from Manuscript to FogBugz On-Premises, the installer will reuse the existing Manuscript installation folder, i.e., C:\Manuscript\.

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Installation Script Tasks

The FogBugz On-Premises installation script performs certain tasks to provision your FogBugz On-Premises web server and installs FogBugz On-Premises and its databases. The following is an overview of these tasks:

  • Installs 7-Zip.

  • Enables the IIS-ASPNET feature (if not already enabled).

  • Enables the IIS-ASPNET45 feature (if not already enabled).

    • Windows Server 2012/R2 only.

  • Enables the IIS-ASP feature (if not already enabled).

    • Windows Server 2012/R2 only.

  • Enables the IIS-HttpCompressionDynamic feature (if not already enabled).

    • Windows Server 2012/R2 only.

  • Enables the IIS-StaticContent feature (if not already enabled).

  • Installs SQL Server tools to provide the Invoke-SqlCmd Powershell cmdlet (if not already available).

  • Temporarily disables Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration (this is re-enabled as part of the installation process).

  • Installs the ASP.NET MVC 3 framework.

  • Ensures that .NET 4.0 is available.

  • Installs Puppet to Program Files (x86)\Puppet Labs.

  • Installs the Java JDK 8.0 to Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_162

  • Installs Redis Server for Windows to Program Files\Redis.

  • Installs FogBugz On-Premises to the configured installation directory – Default location: C:\FogBugz.

  • Creates three databases on the configured SQL Server instance:

    • fbhosted
    • FBODExportQueue
    • trial1
  • Disables the Default Web Site in IIS (if it exists).

  • Creates and starts two IIS websites:

    • FB GEN ALL
    • FB GEN {version number}
  • Creates and starts three Windows services:

    • FogBugz ElasticSearch
    • FogBugz Heartbeat Pinger
    • FogBugz Queuing Service


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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