Overview This article provides the guidelines for copying the Case fields in order to create new cases. A special bookmarklet (a bookmark stored in a web browser that contains JavaScript commands that...
The “Correspondent” field is located at the left-hand side while viewing a case. It is used to contain the email address of the external customer or client who’s emailed about a question, bug, issue, ...
Information FogBugz aims for simplicity of use. Frequently, users need to modify several cases in FogBugz at once or in bulk. FogBugz has the bulk edit option which allows you to select several case...
Overview This article shows the way to use the case list’s Outline View to quickly create a detailed work plan. Guide You can use the case list’s Outline View to quickly create a detailed work plan....
Overview This article deals with making different cases into a single case for ease of use in a different way, as FogBugz doesn’t allow merging of cases Environment FogBugz on Demand (with FogBugz O...
Overview This article is all about how to mark a case or wiki article as a favorite or star it. This allows you to bookmark the case or wiki article within Manuscript. If you go to a case or wiki arti...
When you are looking at an email from a customer, you’ll see a list of all the other emails you’ve ever received from the exact same email address in the Correspondent section on the left side: This...
Overview Community Case List is an optional feature in FogBugz Ocelot. The Community Case List allows FogBugz community users to keep track of relevant FogBugz cases more easily and to view correspond...
Overview Editing each Case Status, Description, Category and many more during an outage is a tedious task. To simplify this process best use is bulk editing. This article describes the Bulk Edit proce...
Overview FogBugz publishes RSS feeds, allowing you to use an RSS aggregator to receive notifications, so you can keep up to date on changes to your filter without opening your web browser. FogBugz sup...