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  • Resizing Pasted Images Not Working in Case or Wiki Article Editor

    Overview When Copy-Pasting an image into a case or wiki article in Rich Text Format (RTF) editing mode, and you want to resize it by dragging the image's corners you might experience that apparently c...

  • Commenting on Closed Cases

    Overview Sometimes you might need the option to allow your users to comment on FogBugz cases, without allowing them to change other parts of the case (similarly as done in other widely used issue trac...

  • Cannot Remove A Referenced Case From the "See Also"

    Overview Unlinking cases, or removing referenced cases from the See Also section is not currently available in FogBugz. Once a case has been linked to another case (for example, by typing case 1234), ...

  • Stop Reopening Cases

    Overview If a case marked as closed receives an email update, the case is reopened. Since the existing case is reopened, no new case will be created. This workflow (case reopening) cannot be restricte...

  • Organizing Cases

    Overview The case is the basic unit in FogBugz. When creating a case it has to be assigned to a Project, an Area, a Milestone, and a Category. Sometimes it is confusing what is the best approach to or...

  • Limitation on Assigning Backlog Order Cases in a Milestone

    Overview When attempting to assign more than 100 Backlog Order cases to a single Milestone, the operation is restricted. This is an intentional design decision implemented to maintain optimal performa...