Released: 2014-07-03 Non-Kiln links now open in a new tab/window based on user preference The “diff” configuration menu now displays the type of diff you are viewing Manually adding cases to a changes...
Released: 2014-05-08 Bugfix: SSH connections once again terminate with correct exit code New HipChat logo...
Released: 2014-04-11 This release plugs a small security hole....
Released: 2014-03-28 SSH requests that fail authentication will now print kiln: permission denied instead of failing silently. SSH keys pasted with newlines now work correctly. Non-standard Git client...
Released: 2014-02-24 Improved resource utilization of Kiln SSH server Opening reviews from Internet Explorer 9 no longer causes a crash Fixed a stale cache that caused related repositories to be incor...
Released: 2014-01-02 New! Redesigned changeset tables and electric DAG. Bugfix: fixed links that died when we moved to Bugfix: not all commits being imported during a repository rep...
Released: 2013-11-11 Newly redesigned activity feed and repository navigation! Bugfix: diff-from-parent dropdown doesn’t work. Bugfix: git push –force sometimes broke for single-head repositories. Oth...
Released: 2013-09-16 Kiln Harmony supports Git and Mercurial on all repositories simultaneously Tons of new and revised features! Comprehensive release notes for Kiln Harmony are not available at this...